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Here you can download for free digital paintings and artwork, e-books and t-shirt designs. You are free to use them for personal needs, but in the same time you are not allowed to sell them or to use them commercially. All rights remain to the artist - Desislava Dimitrova-Radeva. If you want a license, in order to use them commercially, please contact me through the contact form in this website. You are free to print our painting books for the needs of your children, students, parties and family gatherings. You can print our digital paintings for your home, office or family-hotel. T-shirt designs are free to be printed for personal needs, but it's not allowed to use them commercially.Here you can download for free digital paintings and artwork, e-books and t-shirt designs. You are free to use them for personal needs, but in the same time you are not allowed to sell them or to use them commercially. All rights remain to the artist - Desislava Dimitrova-Radeva. If you want a license, in order to use them commercially, please contact me through the contact form in this website. You are free to print our painting books for the needs of your children, students, parties and family gatherings. You can print our digital paintings for your home, office or family-hotel. T-shirt designs are free to be printed for personal needs, but it's not allowed to use them commercially. The size of the files varies 3 to 25 MB, in. JPG,. PNG and. ZIP files. We do not take any responsibility for any damages caused by the use of the file. With the download of any file here, you automatically agree with our conditions.