2D Games

2D games for your site
or business.

play a little
For companies that want to use the full possibilities
of advertising their business with a 2D game. WELCOME

A game based on a suggested plot from the template section with advertising messages and materials presented by you as well as a character with a design and appearance according to your requirements and ideas.

  1. Game with One level and up to 5 characters 200 euros.
  2. Game with One level and up to 15 characters 350 euros
  3. Game with one level and over 15 characters 450 euros.
  4. Drawing a Hero 25 euros,
  5. Drawing and animating a Hero 100 euros.
  6. Background 50 euros
Your idea for characters to fulfill your idea or vision for an advertising strategy. You can send ready drawn and animated Hero. Game outside the Templates 5,000 euros Each next level plus 200 euros.

Free Games.

Games that you can put on your website
to keep your customers entertained while browsing

take a look at our offers and copy when from the game to your site





Red Adventure 3


Buy our game for Windows